Les enfants Orlanthis ne deviennent adultes qu’après une cérémonie d’initiation, et dont certaines parties se conforment aux secrets détenus par clan. Les rites d’initiation à l’âge adulte sont proposés à tous les non-adultes ayant entre 15 et 19 ans, cela pouvant varier en fonction des coutumes locales, de la disponibilité des initiateurs et ou en fonction d’autres circonstances. En moyenne, une initiation a lieu tous les 5 ans. Le processus inclut une période préparatoire visant à donner des conseils et une éducation aux initiés, une période de temps passée uniquement avec les initiateurs, un test de l’individu et enfin une cérémonie qui transforme le non-adulte en un membre de la société à part entière. Dans les anciens temps, un échec aux initiations résultait en la mort des jeunes qui avaient échoué. Parmi les Sartaris du temps d’Argrath, l’échec n’entraine que l’expulsion et la mise hors-la-loi de l’enfant.

Être adulte confère à la fois privilèges et responsabilités. Le but de l’initiation de marquer le commencement de la vie de l’individu en tant que membre de la société.

The Initiation of Orlanth

When Orlanth and his brothers were young, just godlings without a hint of their natural powers, they were left alone in a spruce grove. Their father and mothers were elsewhere, busy with chores.

At that time some giants came upon them. They were all enemies of the children because their father had offended them. The giants did not waste a moment, but snatched them up and took them into the Mutable Forest. This woods, sometimes called the Marching Woods, did not have roots, and the plants roamed about. Sometimes, in those days, even the mountains moved, and so there were no known trails or paths there.

The giants were Genert, Lord of the Earth; Kalt, the Renewing God; Lodril, lord of Fire; Magasta, the Sea giant; Dehore, Darkness‑keeper; and some others whose names are not known now. These were all uncles of the children gods, so although they hated them they could not kill them. Instead, they decided to destroy them without having to take responsibility for the deed.

They lied to the children, and said that they had prepared tests for each of them, and that afterwards they would be gods. In truth, they took the children to various wicked places which they could not understand, and they put a child in each. They hoped that one would destroy the other, and thereby lessen the number of foes.

They took Vadrus and dropped him into the Deep Well, and then clapped the lid on. They were sure that he would be drowned by Water, an element which had no connection to air.

They took Urox, and threw him among the Animal Corral. They were sure he would be devoured by the hungry creatures.

They took the other one, and cast him into the Sex Pit. They hoped he would be driven mad by the demons.

They took Humakt, and threw him into the Fighting Pit. They were sure he would be destroyed by this frightening activity.

They took Orlanth, and put him among the Strange Gods. The giants were sure that the nest of alien powers would destroy the youngest child.

The uncles went to their hall, and prepared a great feast for their victory.

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Argrath : À l’aide ! Je me suis réveillé en Enfer.